Balance Corporate Property provides innovative solutions to the projects that it undertakes on behalf of its clients. Innovation, and our unique insight into the market, has created numerous opportunities for our clients to realise added value, while limiting risk throughout the development process.

The Balance Model™ is an Occupier Development Model that was created by Balance Corporate Property to assist clients realise the value that, as an occupier, they bring to the developments process. It recognises the importance of accurate analysis of clients’ needs and the expectations of investors. The model has been used nationally over several years with great success.

The catalyst for participation in this process is specific occupancy needs attributable to the nature of the operations that are to be housed. These needs may be the result of changes in corporate strategy typically resulting in the need to down-size or up-size, diversify, reposition, refit or enhance the future flexibility of the built facility. In the majority of cases, an occupier will have been unable to readily identify suitable existing premises available in the market.

Balance Corporate Property will usually act on behalf of the occupier or owner in a project and assumes control for the overall project direction through a Development Agreement. Effectively Balance Corporate Property facilitates the entire project. Control of the development by the occupier is maintained by the BCP Development Management role.

Where Balance undertakes development on its own behalf this will not be in conflict with its clients.

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PO Box 1192,
GPO Sydney NSW 2001
+61 2 9488 9588